Monday, July 3, 2017

PowerPoint and the Index Card Woe

So there I was trying to follow directions to create index cards in PowerPoint... The directions were so simple: Go to "File", "Page Set Up". But sadly, I have a different version and could not find that rascally option. So using my skills of Microsoft Word, I improvised. I created index cards in Word and then added them to the PowerPoint. Technology is great! You can always find a way even if it's not the way you planned. In these index cards, I did a Math skills one and a sight word. I would laminate one of these cards per child and use dry erase markers to write in the answers. I would print out the sight word along with other sight words and create a game with them.

1 comment:

  1. Brooke -

    I so appreciate your positive disposition when a technology based assignment does not work out as planned. This is a true skill of an educator!

    I can also share the alternate steps you took to create your notecards with future students who experience the same roadblock.

